Articles on: Finances
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Application for a loan

You can submit your loan application from the "Accounts" section. Your loan application will be reviewed by our credit manager. He will analyze your data, usage period, turnover and decline rate. Based on these parameters, we make a decision on loan provision and conditions.

Taking a loan

After approval of the loan application, the credit offer will appear in the "Accounts" section. To take a loan you need to:
Set loan conditions
Press the "Take Loan" button
A loan account with loan funds will be created
It can be transferred to the main account and used for payment
At 00:00 UTC every day, the interest on the remaining debt amount is calculated and added to the loan debt

Closing the loan

When using a loan, it is very important to remember to close it. When taking a loan, you specify the loan term. The loan must be closed before this term. If the loan is not closed on time, the funds to repay the loan will be automatically debited from the owner's account, and in addition additional penalties may be imposed.

Therefore, it is necessary to take all measures to close the loan on time.

To close the loan you need to:
Transfer the necessary amount to the loan account
Press the "Close Loan" button and follow the further instructions

Updated on: 16/03/2023