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What statuses can the payments have?

PENDING - This is the interim status. All the payments get this status initially and then they're waiting for their final status from the service (merchant). The funds are debited from the card, but afterwards can be refunded if the payment obtains the status of VOID or DECLINE.
SETTLED - The completed status, which means that the payment has been confirmed by the merchant and the funds have been completely debited from the card.
VOID - The final status which means the payment's cancellation by the merchant. Such payments are automatically deducted from your spendings. There is no need to take them into consideration when calculating the costs.
DECLINE - The completed status which means that the payment has been declined. Such payments are automatically deducted from your spendings. There is no need to take them into consideration when calculating the costs.

For what reasons can the payments be declined?

Account balance exceeded - the user's account balance has insufficient funds to pay for the transaction's.
Transaction limit exceeded - the transaction's amount exceeds the maximum allowable amount which has been set in your personal account or for the card.
Card limit exceeded - the transaction's amount is more than the remaining limit on the card.
Card paused - the attempted payment with the card which has the status definied as “On pause".
Card blocked - the attempted payment with the card which has the status definied as “Blocked".
Card declined by merchant - there has been some kind of failure in the merchant's payment system.
Unknown descriptor - the following payment descriptor isn't added in our list of the allowed descriptors for this bin.
Card verification error - the card's details have been entered incorrectly.
Card declined by bank - the bank doesn't allow this payment to go through.
Network error - the transaction had been processing too long because of the network error, and was declined as a result.
Card balance exceeded- the funds on the card are insufficient to pay for the transaction.

What payment statuses and commissions are taken into consideration in the expenses?

The expenses include payments in the statuses of Penging and Settled, as well as the international commission, the commission for the declined payments and the commission for the cards' issuance.
The actual expenses include the Settled payments only. You can observe the actual expenses during the period with no payments in the status of Pending. Therefore, it is recommended to trace the statistics for the period when all the payments in the Pending status have already been processed.

How are Facebook and Google pre-payments being processed?

There's in fact no such a definition as “pre-payment”. All these transactions are the ordinary payments, which will be canceled afterwards and won't be included in the expenses. But the cancellation of the payment does not occur immediately, on the average, it can take up to 14 days, and up to 30 days in some rare cases. One thing that also needs to be stated - voiding of transactions is always initiated by the merchant. In addition to that, different banks process transfers and refunds at different speeds, as they must pass a clearing procedure.

The cancelled payments are not taken into consideration as the expenses. There's no need to count them as the refunds from the expenses.
When the status changes, the payment's date doesn't change, the payment will be dated the same day.
The cancellation of the payment does not depend on the status of the card, so the card can be on pause or blocked.

How to trace the payments' statistics using different criteria?

In the section "Payments" various groupings are available. The groupings can be switched in the "List" selector.

How are the payments' total costs calculated:
Total costs - all payments in the statuses of Pending and Settled, including all the commissions.
Total costs without commissions - all the payments in the statuses of Pending and Settled, except for commissions.
In the groupings, the "Costs" column is calculated with the consideration of all the payments in the statuses Pending and Settled, including all the commissions.

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Updated on: 12/12/2023