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Decline rate

Decline rate

For successful payment management, it is important to understand what a decline rate is. This indicator represents the percentage of rejected transactions from the total number of transactions performed. You can find information about your decline rate in the "Desktop" section. Decline rate is calculated for the company, team and individual user for 7 and 30 days.

Team_owner has access to an individual decline rate, as well as to the entire company's and each participant's one.
Team_admin has access to a decline rate of an individual user, company and each participant, including team owner.
Team_leader has access to an individual decline rate, the indicators of its team members, as well as to the entire team as a whole, but not to the company's indicators.

Why is it important to monitor one's decline rate?

Rejected transactions are unprofitable for both, a bank and payment systems (Visa, Mastercard and others). A large number of rejected payments can increase rejection fees, as has happened earlier. In addition, due to the large number of rejected payments, merchants are beginning to lose credibility of a bank identification numbers (BINs), which negatively effects the binding of cards.

Which decline rate is considered fine?

For both a company as a whole, and for individual participants, the optimal level is less than 10%. When this indicator is reached, Mybrocard provides additional bonuses in the form of cashback. If the indicator exceeds 25%, pending lock is activated for all company cards. That is, the card is not blocked immediately, but does after 24 hours. If the indicator exceeds 50%, the ability of blocking a cards is disabled for user.

When blocking of cards with debts to the merchant is abused, an account of an individual user or the company as a whole may be blocked.

How to reduce the decline rate?

Set a low threshold for billing so that more successful transactions may take place.
Unbind the card from the account.
Pay for all the billings.
For cards with account balance, enable the micropayments function.

Why is the decline rate not displayed?

The decline rate indicator will be displayed after 100 successful payments.

The decline rate indicator is recalculated daily.

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Updated on: 23/08/2023