Articles on: Virtual cards
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Mass actions with cards

Mass actions with cards

In the "Cards" section opportunities for mass actions with cards are provided. To do this, one can check or uncheck the "checkbox" located to the left of each card. After selecting the necessary cards, one will get access to the appropriate actions on the top panel.

This action puts the card on pause. Merchants cannot debit funds from the card during a pause.

This action resumes the work of the card, allowing merchants to withdraw funds again.

This action removes the card from the archive, leaving the status "On pause". Limit of the active cards number is increased.

When being blocked, the card gets "Blocked" status. Merchants cannot debit funds from the blocked card during the pause.

After 30 calendar days pass, the card will be permanently blocked without the possibility to restore it.

This action puts the card in the archive. The card status becomes "On Pause". The limit of available cards number is released.

Change the owner
This action allows one to change the cardholder.
Cards with their own balance switches to the "On Pause" status and releases the reserved funds of the current cardholder. Then it is activated by the new owner. Therefore, in order to transfer the card, the available balance of the new owner must be no less than the balance of the received card. Cards with the status "On pause" and "Blocked" can be transferred even if there is a shortage of balance.
Cards with total balance are transferred without restrictions. Payments before the transfer of the card are counted in the costs of the previous owner. The new owner has card payments from the moment of transfer.

The action is available for all roles except the buyer.

Add tags
You can add a tag to the card to use it for searching and filtering later.

Tags are personal for each participant and not available to the rest of the team.

Change limits
This action gives one the opportunity to change previously set limits of cards and update the card reserve.

Install payments on blocked cards, called "micropayments".

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Updated on: 31/08/2023